You’re exploring the gluten-free products space, which means you’ve done your research into ingredients. However, you might not have given much thought to the packaging that will be front and center for consumers. When it comes to packaging gluten-free foods, you’ll have your challenges, to be sure. But as with any specialty food, there’s also a world of opportunity. Let’s learn about some key packaging considerations for mapping out your gluten-free strategy.
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1. Compliance
For some, gluten-free is optional — part of a generally healthier lifestyle. For others, it’s a necessity. For consumers with celiac disease (an autoimmune disorder that complicates the processing of certain grains), consuming gluten can lead to unpleasant — and sometimes dangerous — side effects. As such, the FDA has rules to define “gluten-free” and require food manufacturers to be clear in how they label such products. To even begin to sell your brand as gluten-free, you must have a forward-and-backward understanding of what qualifies as gluten-free. From there, you can create accurate, eye-catching packaging.
2. Transparency
It’s not just government regulators you have to please when it comes to transparency. Consumers are increasingly savvy about the products they buy, and they have a sense for when something is amiss. For them, it is important to use food packaging that demonstrates full product transparency. No vague buzzwords or questionable claims; only factual, detailed ingredients listings. In today’s consumer environment, the ability to show transparency is a huge asset. It’s true across the board, but even more so for consumers as eagle-eyed as those looking for quality, gluten-free foods.
3. Brand enhancement
Consumers don’t choose to have celiac disease, but they can choose their gluten-free products. For consumers seeking specialty food items, a trusted brand can be very persuasive. To reach those buyers, you have to speak their language using the main tool you have — your brand. The opportunities are limitless if you know how to package all of it. Just think about the brand equity of names such as Whole Foods and others that have embraced gluten-free products. A brand that positions itself as verifiably gluten-free has the potential to dominate the market. The space is young, and now is the time to stake your claim.
4. Specialized audience
As alluded to above, smart gluten-free packaging sets you up for a long-term, loyal consumer base. It’s a highly specialized market that historically hasn’t had many options. But to make those initial inroads, you have to be strategic about your messaging, your branding, your packaging and your transparency.
Why PacMoore Is a Leader in Gluten-Free Packaging
For specialty foods of all kinds, including gluten-free, PacMoore has long been an industry leader. With our expertise and the resources available to us, PacMoore takes the guesswork out of smart gluten-free packaging. Learn more about the industry as a whole and find out why distributors of gluten-free products trust PacMoore. Contact us today.