Is it truly better to give than receive? For 25 employees of a small clothing company in Nepal the answer is a resounding, YES!
PacMoore has been working with Purnaa the past couple years. Included in those efforts has been our very own Jacob Wheeler working with the owners to increase their sales of ethically made clothes so that jobs that make a difference can be created. When the 7.8 earthquake hit on April 25, however, the concept of making clothes to sell for a profit took a quick backseat to helping those with immediate and desperate needs to survive.
In response the owners and employees of Purnaa decided they needed to make a short term change of direction to make desperately needed clothing and tent coverings for their very own countrymen. Although some of the employees themselves were left homeless and had lost a great deal in the earthquake, they realized they had been given an opportunity to bless others through their work. This brought incredible meaning and purpose to their lives at a time they desperately needed it. Over the past few weeks as the employees have rallied together to bless others with their time and talents, it is their very own hearts that have been affected the most. As one of the owners told us, “many of these people have never been in position to give to help others, so this is an important new experience for them.”

If you would like to support their efforts by helping to fund additional clothing and tent coverings please click here. In so doing you are helping to change a life, while joining hands with this amazing group of Purnaa employees half a world away to experience the great joy of giving.