Packaging not only helps market your product, but it keeps your products safe from contamination and damage. In addition, custom food packaging protects consumers from…
Read MoreThe PacMoore Blog
Uganda Update
Our last two days here in Kampala have been filled with many meetings and we continue to see the great need, solid business opportunities and…
Read MoreSheltering Wings Fund Raiser a Success
Raising Money for a Worthy Cause On August 26, Sheltering Wings held a successful “Bowling with the Stars” fundraiser in Indianapolis. PacMoore was the lead…
Read MoreOur Trip in Uganda
Today was quite possibly the highlight of our trip as we visited our amaranth farm in western Uganda and enjoyed a “First Fruits” picnic celebration…
Read MoreBill Moore, Susie Moore and Scott Pothoven in Uganda to Celebrate an Amaranth Harvest
This has been PacMoore’s 6th trip to Kenya and Uganda and we continue to see much growth not only from a business standpoint but even…
Read MoreHow Spray Dryers Work

What exactly is spray drying, and how do spray dryers work? Simply put, the spray drying process involves turning liquid into various forms of powder….
Read MoreSheltering Wings: Fighting Domestic Abuse
Important Fund Raising Event on August 26 PacMoore is proud to be the lead sponsor for “Bowling with the Stars,” an event sponsored by Sheltering…
Read MoreWhat It Means to Be Gluten-Free
PacMoore is a leader in gluten-free contract manufacturing, and we are committed to producing safe gluten-free products that consumers can trust. We are certified by…
Read MoreBAM Progress
One of the primary components of PacMoore’s BAM initiative is to use the creation of jobs in third world countries as a platform to share…
Read MoreThe Benefits of PacMoore’s Contract Blending Services
PacMoore is your one-source solution for all of your dry ingredient external manufacturing needs. Our wide range of solutions include spray drying, consumer packaging and…
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