The Lord continued to show us His blessings on our last day in Uganda. We flew to the town of Gulu in hopes of finding a “home” for our amaranth and potential food processing operations. Gulu is in the far northern part of Uganda. It is slowly rebuilding itself after years of devastation and war brought on by the LRA and Joseph Kony. It is also home to one of our dear Ugandan friends, Timothy Jokkene, and we were excited about the possibility of working with him on these projects. From the minute we touched down we felt a good sense of peace there and we walked away from our day feeling optimistic about the potential for farming and processing. We visited two current operations that do sunflower, rice and corn milling. The second operation in particular helped cast a vision for the type of processing we would like to do. We also met with a young American gentleman who recently moved to Gulu with his wife and children to run an orphanage. He has a good background in business and would be a potentially solid leader and influence on our team there should we continue down that path. The day concluded with a visit to a local health clinic that Timothy helped build. We were welcomed with some African dances and many smiles, but it was also a sharp reminder of the poverty and extremely difficult circumstances that many people here in Africa face on a daily basis. It was certainly a vivid picture of why God has called us to bring jobs and the message of Jesus Christ to these people.
Last Day in Uganda
Written by Scott Pothoven

Scott Pothoven
Former Global Director of Leadership Management
Prior to joining PacMoore, Scott was a CFP® and owned a financial planning business working with over 400 clients and small businesses to help manage their financial assets. He holds a B.S. in business from Trinity Christian College.